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Welcome to The Midnight Studio

Brainchild of Composer/Producer Edward Abela. Based in the sunny Mediterranean island of Malta & setup as a one stop audio production house. Wether you want a Song written, Film / Ad / Tv scored, Music Produced, Songs Mixed & Mastered or Podcasts Produced, you’re in the right place.

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Edward Abela is a Composer, Producer, Orchestrator, Songwriter and Podcast Producer with over 12 years of experience in the music/audio industry in London. In that time he's composed scores for films that have gone to Cannes Film Festival, written and recorded a number of production albums for various publishers and has had multiple syncs in various series while having his music under Warner Chappell's Production library such as "Batman: Bad Blood" for DC Comics. In his career he has also scored music for a number of corporate adverts for companies such as Link of London, Google, Bodens & Benna.

Edward has also produced and co-written with artists in genres ranging from RnB, Soul, Pop, Electronic, Rock, Indie, Classical, Alternative. Artists like Sam Way, Red Electric, Ciinderella Balthazar, Jasmine Abela, Janvil, Owen Leuellen, Joe Roscoe, Mikhail Daken & Adam Isaac.


During the pandemic Edward also managed to get into the world of podcast production and audio editing and has since produced multiple series for the largest Law firms in the world. Ranging from Corporate law to the hosting of COP26 and recording some of the worlds leading companies in new tech to save the planet.

A day in the life

A day in the life

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